[c-nsp] ASR9902 experiences?

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Fri Mar 11 01:37:01 EST 2022

On 3/10/22 16:01, Drew Weaver wrote:

> Has anyone that has operated an ASR9010/9001, etc ever used an NCS system before?
> Our Cisco rep is sort of steering us towards NCS 55A1-24H as an alternative to the ASR9902 and it runs IOS XR but is this one of those circumstances where the OS operates totally differently depending on which hardware it's running on? (Like the entire Nexus line does with NXOS unfortunately)

They are completely different platforms, NPU-wise.

The ASR9902 is Cisco's in-house silicon, while the NCS 55A1 is based on 

So the OS is the same, but behaviour may differ due to this, depending 
on your use-case.


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