[c-nsp] How can one escalate within Cisco TAC?

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Wed Feb 8 03:23:16 EST 2023

On Wed, 8 Feb 2023 at 09:48, Hank Nussbacher via cisco-nsp
<cisco-nsp at puck.nether.net> wrote:

> So how does one escalate such an issue within TAC?  Is there some secret
> email like escalations at cisco.com or vp-tac at cisco.com that one can contact?

You call your account team, express your grief and set expectations.
Then you have someone in your corner internally, which is far more
effective than externally trying to fix it.

It saddens me greatly, because it shouldn't work in a world full of
responsible adults, but having weekly case review calls works very
well, because then the account team will be embarrassed to say 'ok
this didn't move since last week', and they ensure things move even a
little bit. It steals 30min-1h per week per vendor of your time, but
pays dividends. Working would be much more pleasurable if half the
world's white collar workers wouldn't be unemployed plat card holders
and cruising without output, while looking down on people doing 3 jobs
and not qualifying for a mortgage.


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