[cisco-voip] VoIP and Linksys

Vincent De Keyzer vincent at dekeyzer.net
Wed Apr 6 11:06:47 EDT 2005

> Just make the port from the switch that does support vlans to the
> Linksys switch an access port in the voice vlan.   Any PC you put
> behind the phone will also be in the voice vlan 

Not necessarily. We discovered we can make something even nicer than that.

Configure the Cisco port something along the lines of:

interface FastEthernet0/2
 switchport trunk native vlan 8
 switchport trunk allowed vlan 8,300,1002-1005
 switchport mode trunk
 switchport voice vlan 300
 no ip address
 spanning-tree portfast trunk

... where 8 is the PC VLAN, and 300 the IP phones VLAN (on older switches,
remember to specify dot1Q encapsulation).

Then hook up, say, a D-link DES-1016D on Fa0/2 and voilà, you get 15 ports
that can support an IP phone, a PC or both (if the IP phone is a 7940, 7960
or 7912)!

Quite a cheap way to multiply the number of dual-VLAN ports, without having
those to be Cisco ports. For instance, you can replace a 3548XL by a 2912XL
+ a 16-port much cheaper switch.

Of course, this might not work with all Ethernet switches. AFAIU, the box
needs to (transparently) support tagged Ethernet frames.


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