[cisco-voip] FAX and disabling SuperG3 calls somehow on router

Erick Bergquist erickbe at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 14 18:02:56 EST 2005

Does anyone know of a way to force a FAX call to not
use SuperG3?  Can we do 'fax rate 14400' under POTS
dial peers to force it to G3 only?

Problem is client has Savin FAX machine and if you
disable ECM on it, but it gets a SuperG3 call it will
turn on ECM for that call.

Were getting a couple fax's that are 1 page of streaks
now and then. Not on all calls, one out of every 50 or
so on average. Most Calls come in a PRI and go out FXS
port on same router. There are some calls that come in
from other branches over VoIP peers.

On the failed faxes, client is seeing a 'fr-pkt-loss
4' in debug followed by a 'fr-pkt-loss 3' message. 


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