[cisco-voip] Attendant Console line status issue

Erick Bergquist erickbe at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 13 18:42:44 EST 2006

Have a client with an AC peroblem with line status not
displaying right or refreshing. Attendant console
1.2(1) es14 running on CCM 3.3(4) and a receptionist
who is using Windows 98.  

They have 5 people listed in the speed dial window and
when someone gets a call listed in speed dial, the
line status of that person is not getting updated.
When the AC user gets a call and tries to transfer a
caller to that by dragging call onto speed dial then
the line status changes from showing they are
available to busy because they are on a call already. 

Is there a refresh interval that can be adjusted?

They have 140 people listed in the directory panel and
the line status is not displayed there. It's been
awhile, but I recall the directory only displaying
line status right if there was 10 or less people
displayed in the directory. I had them narrow it down
to 2 people listed and they had the same problem as
speed dial issue above.

Anything in TCD traces I can look for on this?

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