[cisco-voip] High CPU load from winmgmt.exe

Jason Aarons (US) jason.aarons at us.didata.com
Fri Jan 5 09:33:12 EST 2007

Check the release notes for 2000-4-4 that came out Dec 20. Winmgmt.exe
is fixed.


Check/reduce the size of your Event Viewer event logs is a workaround.



From: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net
[mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Reto Gassmann
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 4:13 AM
To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: [cisco-voip] High CPU load from winmgmt.exe


Hi all


Since we installed the newest CSA we have Problems on our Callmanager
Servers (HP DL380 G4). The CPU load suddenly goes up to nearly 100% on
the second CPU and stays there. The process that causes the load is
winmgmt.exe. What I found out is that this process is related to the
Windows Management Interface (WMI). Does anyone have an idea??? (Perhaps
CSA is using WMI???) We also use SNMP to monitor the Servers, but I
think SNMP is not using winmgmt.exe.


Thanks and a happy New Year





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