[cisco-voip] quick question on calls to unprogrammed numbers...

Tim Reimers tim.reimers at asheville.k12.nc.us
Mon Jan 8 10:23:00 EST 2007

One of my users asked a question that I think no one has noticed...

He wondered why it is that when you call a # on our system that is not
allocated, you get:

"Your call cannot be completed as dialed"

instead of 

"You have reached a number that is not in service. Please check the
number you dialed and try again"

Or something like that..

It did make me think -- where is that message coming from that defaults
when you misdial...
we might want to specifically program that message to say something a
little more informative, like 
'you have reached a number that is not available on the phone system.
Please hang up and dial 7000 for assistance in locating the person you
are trying to reach"

thanks, Tim
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