[cisco-voip] Unity lost messages

Kris Seraphine baryonyx5 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 15:19:40 EST 2007

If Unity cannot deliver a message for some reason it often goes to the
UnaddressedMessages distribution list.  By default only the Example
Administrator is a member of that list so unless you added real subscribers,
the messages may be sitting in that mailbox.

If Unity cannot connect to the Exchange server, it will store new messages
in the \commserver\unitymta directory.  Once the Exchange server is back
online it should deliver the messages to the correct mailboxes although I've
seen messages in the \commserver\unitymta\failed directory before (I'm not
sure why they were there).

On 1/31/07, Navarro, Ferdinand <Ferdinand.Navarro at ficoh.com> wrote:
>  Has anyone encountered users mentioning that callers have left voicemails
> for them but when the users check their voicemail box, it's not there?
> Also, where does voicemails get stored when MS Exchange is not available
> and does it get transfered to the MS Exchange when it comes back online?
> This is for Unity version 4.1.
> *Ferdinand J. Navarro*
> Network Engineer and LAN Administrator
> First Insurance Company of HI, Ltd.
> 1100 Ward Avenue Honolulu, HI 96814
> 808.527.7752 (phone) | 808.543.3201 (fax)
> email:* ferdinand.navarro at ficoh.com*
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kris seraphine
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