[cisco-voip] CAS T1 E&M lines seized and stuc

Tim Jackson jackson.tim at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 16:01:50 EDT 2007

I've seen some 1/0 DACS equipment cause this before... It'd lose the
signaling bits through the cross-connect... What does the LSB signaling look
like if you put a test set on the T1? Can you send a wink & make the far-end


On 6/8/07, Paul Choi <asobihoudai at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have a customer's office whose lines are stuck in
> seized mode. It's a CAS T1 using E&M signaling. Nobody
> from outside the CCM cluster can call the office, they
> can't call outside the office.
> Any ever run into this?
> Paul
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