[cisco-voip] CME 4.1 vs. CM 4.1.3 and Unity Express 2.3 vs.Unity 4.2(1)

Jason Aarons (US) jason.aarons at us.didata.com
Wed Jun 13 10:33:32 EDT 2007

I've seen BRI MGCP and IP Phones registered to US CallManagers as well
as phones off satellite links. You can't call Cisco for support should
you have issues but it worked and was cheaper than the alternatives.


From: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net
[mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Craig Staffin
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 9:57 AM
To: Robert Kulagowski
Cc: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] CME 4.1 vs. CM 4.1.3 and Unity Express 2.3
vs.Unity 4.2(1)



What is your round trip time.  I have personally done deployments with
the CCM's in the US and remote phones in Singapore and China with no
complaints from users.


On 6/12/07, Robert Kulagowski <bob at smalltime.com> wrote:

keli at carocomp.ro wrote:
> How about size and scalability?
> Ease of management?

Well, this is for Johannesburg, and our centralized CM's are in the U.S.
and London, so latency would kill us.  That's why we're considering 
either local CM or CME.
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Craig Staffin
Craig at staffin.org
(H) 262-437-7313
(C) 262-613-6003 


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