[cisco-voip] Unity UM adding Users from another domain

Fred Fern freddfern at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 11:26:59 EDT 2007

I'm working with a customer that has an AD forest with about 50+ child
domains and an equal number of Exchange Orgs. We've installed Unity 4.2 in
abc.domain.com and it's working without errors however now they're looking
to add a grouping of users from xyz.domain.com onto this Unity installation.
My initial response was no problem and I was thinking that that I'd simply
need to rerun the permission wizard against the OU where the user reside in
xyz.domain.com and set the correct exchange delegation for the xyz exchange
org however now I'm second guessing myself. Is there anything I'm missing on
this? Why does this sound "TOO EASY"...?


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