[cisco-voip] CME and ACD/AA

tele tele at plexialab.it
Tue Jun 19 18:33:15 EDT 2007

ok you can start debugging and let us know more information about the issue.
you mean that AA try to use "ch" (i don't know if is correct ch) 
language and try to play a prompt with name "ch_bacd_welcome.au" so 
cause there isn't ch_bacd_welcome.au file you get silence and then call 

Philip Walenta wrote:
> I should have been a little more clear - the language that gets selected is
> chinese, but I want english.
> Yes the AA won't answer, I see it register as hitting the script - but I get
> silence then the call gets terminated. 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tele [mailto:tele at plexialab.it] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 3:30 PM
> To: Philip Walenta
> Cc: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
> Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] CME and ACD/AA
> Hi Philip,
> what do you means with won't even answer? you talk about the b-acd tcl
> application?
> where you are looking that want use the chinese language?
> activate some "debug voice application script" and look what happens.
> try also with debug voice dial-peer and check if the correct dialpeer is
> matched.
> you could also try with a tips/hack for the AA using a loopback interface.
> fisrt create a loopback interface:
> interface Loopback0
>  ip address
> then two dial-peer pointing to the number of AA answer. for example:
> dial-peer voice 30 voip
>  destination-pattern 1234
>  voice-class codec 1
>  session protocol sipv2
>  session target ipv4:
>  dtmf-relay rtp-nte
>  no vad
> !
> dial-peer voice 31 voip
>  service aa
>  voice-class codec 1
>  session protocol sipv2
>  session target sip-server
>  incoming called-number 1234
>  dtmf-relay rtp-nte
>  no vad
> Philip Walenta wrote:
>> I'm having a devil of a time getting CME to work.  I'm trying on two 
>> different systems.
>> On one, it wants to select the chinese lanugauge.
>> The other won't even answer. 
>> Any suggestions?
>> Config snippet:
>> application
>>  service aa flash:app-b-acd-aa-
>>   paramspace english index 0
>>   param number-of-hunt-grps 1
>>   param handoff-string aa
>>   param dial-by-extension-option 1
>>   paramspace english language en
>>   param aa-pilot 1234
>>   paramspace english location flash:
>>   param second-greeting-time 60
>>   param welcome-prompt _bacd_welcome.au
>>   param call-retry-timer 15
>>   param max-time-call-retry 700
>> !
>> dial-peer voice 9929 voip
>>  service aa
>>  service aa out-bound
>>  destination-pattern 1234
>>  session target ipv4:
>>  incoming called-number 1234
>>  dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
>>  codec g711ulaw
>>  no vad
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
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