[cisco-voip] How to add a timeout in TCL

tele tele at plexialab.it
Thu Jun 21 03:11:53 EDT 2007

Ok hope that it's supported by the Cisco TCL implementation you can do:

sleep 3


after [expr {int(3 * 1000)}]

for do nothing for 3 seconds

On Wed, 2007-06-20 at 22:35 +0600, Daniel A. Abelski wrote:
> Hi All. Got a problem with ISDN link. As I see from the debug - some
> times there are extra digits coming in E1 with a call. It means that
> when outside caller dials XXXXXXX we get XXXXXXX and then 2-4 extra
> digits...
> There is a cisco tcl script that passes the callers to local users,
> but if we get those extra digits - outside callers get destination
> unknown. I need a fast solution - is there a way to make tcl script
> wait for 1-3 sec before starting to collect digits from the trunk?
> Will be grateful for any help.

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