[cisco-voip] CCME41SIP-CCM41 !!!

Djokic Sinisa sdjokic at mds.co.yu
Fri Jun 22 09:06:00 EDT 2007


hi to all..

does anybody knows how to solve the issue with calls made from 3rd party SIP
phones ( SIP phones in general ) registred to callmanager express v 4.1 to
SCCP phones  registred to CCM v 4.1.3..

the max we achieved was to establish a call but without any audio stream (
and it breakes after few seconds )..

between CCM and CCME we're using ITC ( NGKC )..






Sinisa Djokic 

System Engineer



MDS Informaticki inzenjering
Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 170
11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia
Tel: +381 11 2015 200, 2015 273
Fax: +381 11 3194 954
sdjokic at mds.co.yu


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