[cisco-voip] When dialing FXO I get Dial tone?

CarlosOrtiz at bayviewfinancial.com CarlosOrtiz at bayviewfinancial.com
Mon Jun 25 15:52:53 EDT 2007

How many digits do you see from the telco?  From what I remember when I 
have done this I was getting 7 digits and that matched the number on the 
phone?  Can you dial outbound?

"Voll, Scott" <Scott.Voll at wesd.org> 
Sent by: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net
06/25/2007 03:19 PM

"cisco-voip" <cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>

[cisco-voip] When dialing FXO I get Dial tone?

I setup a MGCP VGW with FXO.  I have set it in CM to forward to my 
extension(both).  CSS / Partitions seem to be right.  But when I call 
those FXO ports, I get dial tone.  What’s up?  What am I doing wrong?
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