[cisco-voip] Can I expedite a CUCM 6.1.2 base config setup?

O'Donovan, Kevin Kevin.Odonovan at state.ma.us
Mon Nov 17 11:27:15 EST 2008

My question first then the explanation below.

Does anyone have an easier/quicker way to get the call manager set up
than having to do it manually? 


I have 2 test labs I am setting up that will mimic our production
environment closely but doesn't have to be exact. 

I am working with a few engineers and admins to help them understand the
Cisco system but it is quite time consuming. 

They're stand alone systems with only a Pub and the test labs do not
touch each other or anything else for that matter.  I'd like to get them
all up to speed on the Call Manager first. Everyone is taking courses
but I would like to give them some hands on experience as well.


I'm letting the engineers set up the call manager on the network and
then let the admins have a crack at it. 

This works out OK but it is taking up so much time I would like to speed
up that process of getting the call manager "system" configured with
enterprise parameters, dial plan, calling search space etc. 

Not the users and phones, I'll have the admins work on these as part of
their training.


So, does anyone have an easier/quicker way to get the call manager set
up than having to do it manually? 






Kevin O'Donovan


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