[cisco-voip] Can I expedite a CUCM 6.1.2 base config setup?

Jason Burns burns.jason at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 21:36:59 EST 2008

You could take a DRS backup of a the prototype CallManager system and then
just restore that backup onto the lab pub.

The whole process would then be:

1. Install pub
2. Configure DRS to point to SFTP
3. Restore

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 11:27 AM, O'Donovan, Kevin <
Kevin.Odonovan at state.ma.us> wrote:

>  My question first then the explanation below.
> Does anyone have an easier/quicker way to get the call manager set up than
> having to do it manually?
> I have 2 test labs I am setting up that will mimic our production
> environment closely but doesn't have to be exact.
> I am working with a few engineers and admins to help them understand the
> Cisco system but it is quite time consuming.
> They're stand alone systems with only a Pub and the test labs do not touch
> each other or anything else for that matter.  I'd like to get them all up to
> speed on the Call Manager first. Everyone is taking courses but I would like
> to give them some hands on experience as well.
> I'm letting the engineers set up the call manager on the network and then
> let the admins have a crack at it.
> This works out OK but it is taking up so much time I would like to speed up
> that process of getting the call manager "system" configured with enterprise
> parameters, dial plan, calling search space etc.
> Not the users and phones, I'll have the admins work on these as part of
> their training.
> So, does anyone have an easier/quicker way to get the call manager set up
> than having to do it manually?
> Thanks
> Kevin
> *Kevin O'Donovan*
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