[cisco-voip] Optimizing CUCM 6.1.2

omar parihuana omar.parihuana at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 19:02:51 EDT 2008

Hi List,

I've just completed the CCM upgrade from 4.1.3 version to 6.1.2. However the
disk usage is strange because in logging there is 50 of usage... (only two
days of operation)  also the disk active is near to 100% (91%) so how can I
optimize this value? so i need delete the logs, and cleanup the active
disk...  pls refer some manual how to manage the OS manage logs, CDRs...
Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration don't help

dmin:show status

Product Ver  :
Platform Ver :

 17:50:03  up 2 days,  1:18,  2 users,  load average: 0.09, 0.12, 0.10

CPU Idle:  92.50%  System:  01.00%    User:  05.50%
  IOWAIT:  00.00%     IRQ:  00.00%    Soft:  01.00%   Intr/sec: 565.00

Memory Total:        2053816K
        Free:          23080K
        Used:        2030736K
      Cached:         854860K
      Shared:              0K
     Buffers:          53364K

                        Total            Free            Used
Disk/active         12457424K        1150444K       11180420K (91%)
Disk/inactive       12457408K        9448292K        2376312K (21%)
Disk/logging        43340336K       20565992K       20572780K (51%)


Omar E.P.T
Certified Networking Professionals make better Connections!
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