[cisco-voip] VoIP Lab WS-6608X blade

Jeff Garvas jeff at cia.net
Mon Sep 8 09:04:20 EDT 2008

I've been working on building out a VoIP lab and I have about 95% of the
hardware.  The blueprint calls for a 6608X blade which is no longer
available unless you can find one used.

I'm looking for opinions from those of you who may have begun studying the
lab.  Would it make sense to hunt one of these down used or to use the
recommended replacement cards?     I'm thinking finding a used card might be
more economical.

In fact, if anyone has a 6608X blade available that they'd like to trade I
have a other blades available I could swap in a trade.  All I ask is that it
works.  If you're interested in a swap contact me off list.

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