[cisco-voip] FireFox 3.0.4 reports Java error with 4.1.3CCMAdmin

Andy Swiffin a.l.swiffin at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Jan 8 10:05:14 EST 2009

>>> On 08/01/2009 at 14:55, in message
<038ECED6C286904CA93C8A76ABC45DF51621D45D at VENUS.greensboronc.org>, "Biffle,
Gerrad" <Gerrad.Biffle at greensboro-nc.gov> wrote:
> If it helps ... I'm running Firefox 3.0.5 without any problems.  Might
> be worth upgrading Firefox to see if your problem clears.  I don't
> remember having any issues when I was on 3.0.4 though.  Are you running
> the NoScript add-on by chance?  

When I try Firefox 3.0.5 here against 4.1.3 it gets in OK but when you try something like Device->Phone you get a popup saying:

Cannot locate proxy which supports Remote Scripting.
Was RSEnableRemoteScripting method invoked?

and then

Failed to create ASP object for : _RemoteScripts/rs_device.asp

so I guess it doesn't work here either.

(I usually just use IE).

Andy Swiffin
Dundee Univ.

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