[cisco-voip] SOAP from a Linux box - 911 notification

Peter Pauly ppauly at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 13:34:05 EST 2009

I've been successfully using a script written by Johan Bloemhard that
I learned about on this mailing list to pull 911 information from
CallManager's CDR database and send out email alerts to our security
staff. I can get away with it because I've been on an older version of
CallManager, but that will soon change when we move to 7.1 and the
script will stop working because it does SQL queries directly.

Has anyone written something similar with SOAP from a Linux box? I
know Cisco wants me to use CUAE but I'd prefer to do it from Linux if
possible. Any example would be appreciated, even if it just pulls CDR
records or performs some other function. Maybe I can modify it to suit
my needs.


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