[cisco-voip] Unity 5 - Call handlers for announcements

Sean Walberg sean at ertw.com
Fri Jan 30 14:24:01 EST 2009

The voice mail coverage path of one of my office's front desk goes to a
Unity call handler, playing a message like "press 1 for the programming
lineup, 2 for the news desk, etc". Callers eventually get to a menu along
the lines of "press 1 for Monday, 2 for tuesday", and so forth.

Each of these handlers is a greeting, which plays the message, then kicks
the caller back to the menu.

This works great, except for the Thursday handler. When the caller selects
the Thursday option, they get a message saying "the user at extension 103 is
not available, please leave a message" (103 is the extension I have given
the handler, as someone updates the greeting periodically through Unity
Greeting Admin).  Then, the distribution list that owns the handler gets a

I've gone through all the settings and the handler looks just the same as
the other handlers that happily play the greeting. Only the "Standard"
greeting is enabled. There is a greeting (I can play it through my
computer), and it is selected as active.

Any clues as to what I should be looking for?



Sean Walberg <sean at ertw.com>    http://ertw.com/
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