[cisco-voip] Cisco 1760 VIC2-2FXO setup
Remco Overdijk
remco at maxserv.nl
Thu Sep 3 03:41:44 EDT 2009
Previously I used a Cisco 1760 with a 7940 and 7971 phone, connected to an
internet SIP provider to provide external telephony. That setup worked
I recently moved to a brand new apartment, where I got a new internet
provider (the Dutch cable provider Ziggo), where I have an internet, tv
and telephony package.
Unfortunately, however their telephony solution is VoIP based, upon
arrival in my house it's made analog by the Motorola SurfBoard modem,
which provides 2 PSTN RJ-11 connectors for analog phones.
Being the tech savvy engineer that I am I don't want to use any of that
analog telephone nonsense.. I want my fancy Cisco phones! So I did some
research and decided I needed to connect the 2 analog ports from my modem
to my 1760 using a VIC, and route the calls through the VIC. I thought the
VIC-2E/M would do so and bought that one. $60 later it turned out I was
wrong, and that I needed the VIC2-2FXO, which set me back a lot more
dollars, but hey, it's only money and I want it to work!
Anyway, long story short: I've been trying to get it to work for over 3
weeks now, but with no luck.
- I cannot get any outbound calls to work. I've tried about every example
I could find on the internet, and though the examples make it seem easy
enough, I never got any outbound calls to work. It keeps giving me "Busy"
or "Unknown number".
- Inbound calls seem to work..ish. However I don't get caller-id (though
both my IOS and VIC should support it), can't find out how to make all
phones ring (using connection plar on a DN, DID wasn't working the way it
was supposed to either), and if the remote caller hangs up the line, the
router will call my DN 5 seconds later giving it the line tone from the
FXO line, which I can't seem to get while trying to make a "normal"
outbound call!
So my question to you guys.. Can you make this seemingly easy setup work
for this voice-n00b?
To aid in the process, I've made a quick sketch of the network:
http://www.remz.nl/network.png So what I'm trying to achieve is: 2 SCCP
phones connected to the 1760, being able to make outbound calls to the FXO
line (in fact, all calls may go tp the FXO if that's easier), and all SCCP
phones should ring if the FXO line is being dialed, preferably with
Router info:
Cisco IOS Software, C1700 Software (C1700-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version
12.4(15)T5, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.2(7r)XM2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Cisco
1760 (MPC860P) processor (revision 0x500) with 131072K/16384K bytes of
Processor board ID FOC081727FB (3402445609), with hardware revision 0000
MPC860P processor: part number 5, mask 2
1 FastEthernet interface
2 Voice FXO interfaces
32K bytes of NVRAM.
49152K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
show run (entire config.. because it's quite likely that I made a stupid
mistake at a place where I don't expect it!):
Current configuration : 9053 bytes
! Last configuration change at 16:54:07 CEST Wed Sep 2 2009 by remco !
NVRAM config last updated at 23:13:19 CEST Tue Aug 18 2009 by remco !
version 12.4
service timestamps debug datetime msec
service timestamps log datetime msec
no service password-encryption
hostname ccme1
logging buffered 51200 informational
enable secret 5 xxx
no aaa new-model
clock timezone Berlin 1
clock summer-time CEST recurring 4 Sun Mar 1:00 4 Sun Oct 1:00 voice-card
2 !
ip cef
no ip dhcp use vrf connected
ip dhcp excluded-address !
ip dhcp pool m00net
domain-name m00.netw0rk.nl
option 150 ip
lease 0 6
<<individual dhcp leases here>>
ip domain name m00.network.nl
ip name-server
ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3
ip admission max-nodata-conns 3
multilink bundle-name authenticated
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711ulaw
codec preference 2 g711alaw
<<crypto stuff here>>
ip ssh time-out 60
ip ssh authentication-retries 2
ip ssh version 2
translation-rule 1
Rule 1 null null
interface FastEthernet0/0
description $ETH-LAN$
ip address
speed auto
router rip
version 2
no auto-summary
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route
ip http server
ip http authentication local
ip http secure-server
<<snmp stuff here>>
<<tftp loads here>>
voice-port 2/0
translate calling 1
translate called 1
cptone NL
connection plar 1235
description analog i/o to surfboard
caller-id alerting pre-ring
voice-port 2/1
dial-peer voice 1 pots
destination-pattern 9
port 2/0
load 7960-7940 P000308000400
load 7971 SCCP70.8-2-2SR1S
load 7970 SCCP70.8-2-2SR1S
max-ephones 5
max-dn 5
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 5
calling-number initiator
system message ccme1 ready..
url services
cnf-file perphone
network-locale NL
time-zone 28
time-format 24
date-format dd-mm-yy
voicemail 444
max-conferences 4 gain -6
moh rick.au
transfer-system full-consult dss
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Apr 17 2009 09:02:53 !
ephone-dn 1
number 1234 secondary 114529 no-reg primary label xxxx description
7971-1234 name xxxx !
ephone-dn 2
number 1235 no-reg both
label xxxx
description 7940-1235
name xxxx
ephone 3
mac-address 000D.EDAB.5055
type 7940
button 1o2,3,4,5
pin 1235
ephone 4
conference admin
mac-address 0015.2BD2.01C7
type 7971
button 1:1 2o3,4,5
pin 1234
line con 0
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
privilege level 15
login local
transport input ssh
transport output telnet
ntp clock-period 17208109
ntp server
ntp server source FastEthernet0/0 end
Any help or information would be greatly appreciated!
Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,
Remco Overdijk
Software Engineer
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