[cisco-voip] Summary new Cisco Unified Console

Bennie Grant Bennie.Grant at mettoni.com
Mon Sep 14 10:11:51 EDT 2009

There is no black & white answer to this. The purpose of an OEM software product is ease of install & support etc. Attendant Consoles can have advanced features in larger environments, but for the "majority" a standard set of features will do the job

Looking at CUxAC over the old CAC, there is a marked improvement in features & supportability (the old CAC was problematic for Cisco), and has a roadmap for future versions (old CAC didn't have this for a while prior to its EoL). Something like CUPS integration was just not possible with the old CAC due to its old architecture etc.

Comparing CUxAC to Arc does depend on the customer requirements. For example, if you have a system that has basic requirements around call control & directory, then the CUxAC products absolutely fit the bill. Its only when there are advanced requirements that Arc should then be applicable - this is why you have the Arc option on S+ too. However, the KEY thing is accurately identifying this during the sales or scoping cycle - awareness of this nowadays is important, and we often come up with issues after the event, because the wrong product was used initially - this then leads to RMA's etc to get the right thing. As you know, we can help you & your local Cisco team with this where appropriate - from a compensation point of view, they all count!

>From Cisco's point of view, they have to balance customer requirements with their internal issues. For example, TAC support worldwide is important - introducing a new product for the WW TAC means that it must be straightforward and easy to support - you simply cannot have this requirement and "all singing all dancing" functionality in the first release of a brand new product. Other issues such as accessibility compliance (for blind/partially sighted operators), multi lingual support, right to left languages & non standard character languages (Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese) are all requirements that the Cisco BU has, but of course isn't something that we on a daily basis here in the US during our day to day jobs

Hope this sheds some insight into the whys and wherefores, keep the questions coming !


Bennie Grant
VP - Operations
Arc Solutions (International) Inc
Part of the Mettoni group | www.mettoni.com<http://www.mettoni.com/>

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From: Voice Noob [mailto:voicenoob at gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 9:26 AM
To: Bennie Grant; 'Jason Aarons (US)'; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: RE: [cisco-voip] Summary new Cisco Unified Console

When is the CUxAC product line going to be more feature comparable to the ARC product? I have been in several conversations with customers and it seems that most of their needs for a console product are meet with ARC and not with CUxAC.  Even in your e-mail below you state that at 10 consoles they should look at ARC but CUEAC can scale to 25 consoles. Also the price for CUEAC Vs. ARC is something you have to look at as well. The price for CUEAC gets out of reach very quickly for some customers.

I am not complaining like most about why there is no free version.  I thought the old AC product was JUNK even though it was free you get what you pay for.

From: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net [mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Bennie Grant
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:49 AM
To: Jason Aarons (US); cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Summary new Cisco Unified Console

It's not partition aware - for example line state etc. For 10 consoles, you're about right - although you would also want to include UCSS and possibly SmartNet too

For a system that size though, customer would likely be wanting options such as redundancy, reporting as well, and they'd likely have some specific directory requirements. CUEAC may meet the requirements, if its just a basic system but be aware of the other requirements too - with systems this size we often find the customer wants these other options too....As I mentioned previously, DD are a fully fledged Arc partner, so we can help you work out if CUEAC or Arc is the right fit (they're all Arc products, so we're pretty agnostic - its just making sure the customer gets what they need, not just whatever is easiest to quote!)

Feel free to drop me a line directly if you need any help scoping it out


Bennie Grant
VP - Operations
Arc Solutions (International) Inc
Part of the Mettoni group | www.mettoni.com<http://www.mettoni.com/>

*****Arc Solutions have now launched online Forums for our customers and partners. Visit http://forum.arcsolutions.com<http://forum.arcsolutions.com/> to register*****

From: Jason Aarons (US) [mailto:jason.aarons at us.didata.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:25 AM
To: Bennie Grant; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: RE: Summary new Cisco Unified Console

Is CUEAC mulit-tenant/partition aware?

Appears as if 10 operators using CUEAC I should budget around $30k list, plus the server/os/SQL (another $10k) ?Sound about right?

From: Bennie Grant [mailto:Bennie.Grant at mettoni.com]
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 11:28 PM
To: Jason Aarons (US); cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: RE: Summary new Cisco Unified Console

Sorry to tell you this, but you are NOT correct I'm afraid:

Cisco Attendant Console (CAC) is end of life and unsupported on new installations of CM 7.x and above

Cisco Unified Business Attendant Console (CUBAC), Cisco Unified Department Attendant Console (CUDAC) and Cisco Unified Enterprise Attendant Console (CUEAC) are the replacements for the new EoL old CAC. All of these options are "pay for" - there is no FREE Attendant Console option. These are the Arc Solutions OEM Consoles. Therefore, there is a PER SEAT/PER CONSOLE license fee for any of the new Attendant Consoles - referred to as CUxAC as the portfolio.

List pricing for these consoles (if memory serves me right is)

CUDAC - $1,195
CUBAC - $2,195
CUEAC - $2,995

Arc Enterprise Solutions Plus is then available, and then beyond that Arc Enterprise Premium for Arc partners (of which DD is one).

For any of these options, a physical server is required. The Arc portfolio supports VM, however TAC do not support CUxAC in a Virtual environment today.

Let me know if you need any more information on this - DiData are a recently signed fully fledged Arc partner, and we'll be doing a lot of education sessions, training etc with you over the coming weeks & months to help you through this. In the meantime though, drop me a line if you need any more info

However, the bottom line is NO - this new Cisco Attendant Consoles are not free!


Bennie Grant
VP - Operations
Arc Solutions (International) Inc
Part of the Mettoni group | www.mettoni.com<http://www.mettoni.com/>

*****Arc Solutions have now launched online Forums for our customers and partners. Visit http://forum.arcsolutions.com<http://forum.arcsolutions.com/> to register*****

From: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net [mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Jason Aarons (US)
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 10:24 PM
To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: [cisco-voip] Summary new Cisco Unified Console

Am I correct in that CUEAC is a free product in regards to the Cisco software license fees? (I still need a server, OS, SQL, etc)

Arc Enterprise (Cisco Solutions Plus)

Cisco Unified Console

Cisco Attendant Console (CAC) End of Life

Part Numbers (retail list prices shown)
(CAC) Cisco Attendant Console (end of life/end of sale)
(CUDAC) 2-Clients, Cisco Unified Department Attendant Console CUD-ATT-CON=  Price $0.00
(CUBAC) 6-Clients, Cisco Unified Business Attendant Console CUB-ATT-CON= Price $0.00
(CUEAC) 25-Clients, Cisco Unified Enterprise Attendant Console CUE-ATT-CON=  Price $0.00/ plus separate Unified Attendant Server+Windows 2003 Server+SQL Server 2005 Standard/Enterprise, AV)
SolutionsPlus ARC Enterprise PC Attendant Consol SP-ARC-ENP-ATT-CON= Pricing Starts at $4500.00/plus separate Unified Attendant Server)

Unified Enterprise Attendant Console Release
Release 14 April 2009
Table 1-2 has Product Feature Table
17" Monitor/SoundCard highly recommended


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