[cisco-voip] Show ccm-mamnager swops registration

Go0se me at go0se.com
Fri Apr 16 16:01:44 EDT 2010

Is it constantly swapping? Is the GW next to the CMs? Or across a LAN/WAN?
Are there LAN/WAN connectivity issues? Are the CMs next to each other? What
do the logs show on the CMs?






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From: cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net
[mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Louis Koekemoer
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 2:28 PM
To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: [cisco-voip] Show ccm-mamnager swops registration


Hi all,


I have a problem where the gateway keeps swopping registration. It is not
the common problem where it says "registering" Mine is actually registered,
and then after almost a minute it swops around.


Hostname#sh ccm

MGCP Domain Name: Hostname

Priority        Status                   Host


Primary         Backup Ready   

First Backup    Registered     


Hostname#sh ccm

MGCP Domain Name: Hostname

Priority        Status                   Host


Primary         Registered     

First Backup    Backup Ready   

Second Backup   None                     


I have also removed IP domain name, and updated accordingly in CCM, but
still the same.



Louis Koekemoer

Cisco IPT Systems Engineer

Converged Communications

Dimension Data (South Africa)


Tel:         +27 (11) 575 6560

Fax:        +27 (11) 576 6560

Cell:       +27 (71) 680 8790

Email:    Louis.Koekemoer at za.didata.com 

Planned Travel - 05/04/2010 - 17/04/2010

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