[cisco-voip] Extension Mobility Report
stephen.welsh at unifiedfx.com
stephen.welsh at unifiedfx.com
Thu Oct 28 17:18:51 EDT 2010
Hi Rebecca,
I'm not sure if this is possible to extract from the UCM database, I don't believe UCM records data on the login event, however the RISPort API does provide a timestamp on the last 'registration' event. I did some testing in the past, and generally when a user logs in/out, the phone re-registers (in order to get the line information etc.), which causes the RISPort timestamp to be updated.
So you can use the RISPort timestamp as the login/out time, but if a network event has happened since the user logged in/out, that would also update the timestamp, so I would not trust it 100%, but it would be a good indication.
So how do you get the RISPort time stamp, you may be thinking....
PhoneView from Unified FX (http://www.unifiedfx.com), among other things keeps assest and state management information, that includes logged in user details, as well as the RISPort timestamp. So if you do a File->export and save the phone data to a CSV file, you have a list of all the phones with their user and timestamp (login time), but keep in-mind the login time will not be 100% correct if there has been a network event that caused the phone to re-register etc.
I've attached a sample CSV of the export produced by PhoneView, to give you an idea of the data available.
On 28 Oct 2010, at 19:48, Corder, Rebecca J wrote:
> Is there a way to run a report of what time a group of users (or all users in the CUCM environment) has logged in to their phones? I know you can go to the phone and look to see an individual’s status but can I pull that status in a report for a group of people, I not all?
> Thanks.
> Rebecca Corder
> Telecommunications Team Lead
> Bechtel Corporation
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