[cisco-voip] R: R: Phones randomply reset

Mauro Celli mauro.celli at 2000net.it
Fri Feb 18 07:34:08 EST 2011

The phones reset only when i press some key.
If i leave in stand-by, no reset occured.

Another log. in this PAE: SIGIPCFG received... is missing

NOT 11:45:09.533159 CDP-D: catchipcfg:getdhcpinfo IP:1001497 domain:fiphre1.2000net.it chngVal:1 
NOT 11:45:09.576221 CDP-D: catchipcfg:getdhcpinfo IP:1001497 domain:fiphre1.2000net.it chngVal:1 
NOT 11:45:09.581101 tftpClient: request server 0 ---> 
ERR 11:45:09.583327 RTSOLD: opvvlan:4095->4095 advvlan:4096->4096
ERR 11:45:09.587012 RTSOLD: LINK -> LINK
ERR 11:45:09.587784 RTSOLD:address mode changed..

Da: Daniel [mailto:dan.voip at danofive.id.au] 
Inviato: venerdì 18 febbraio 2011 02:52
A: Mauro Celli
Cc: Stephen Welsh; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Oggetto: Re: [cisco-voip] R: Phones randomply reset

I agree with Stephen,

We see alot of restarts from DHCP issues, we run DHCP from the router and IP conflict logging is a pain as you start to run out of IPs real quick so we turn logging off.

The other issue could be the "Maximum Number of Registered Devices" call manager service parameter. When we got to over 5000 phones weird things started with phone reboots and registration. Changed the value to fit our cluster and all is ok.

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Mauro Celli <mauro.celli at 2000net.it> wrote:
This is observed in multiple installation,
7945 7970 7975 are those  who restarted more...
Poe is ok...

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Stephen Welsh [mailto:stephen.welsh at unifiedfx.com]
Inviato: giovedì 17 febbraio 2011 22:51
A: Mauro Celli
Cc: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Oggetto: Re: [cisco-voip] Phones randomply reset

Nothing I can tell from the logs, but I've seen this when there is more phones in a subnet/VLAN than there is IP Addresses, as some phones fight for an IP address lease.


On 17 Feb 2011, at 21:03, Mauro Celli wrote:

> We have an issue in some IP phones,it keep resetting randomly.
> Below is an extract from one of the console logs from the phone.
> Can anyone interpret what exactly is causing the restart?
> Note,i have disabled cdp and lldp in cucm phone properties  with no success...
> Thanks
> NOT 16:08:49.258777 PAE: SIGIPCFG received...
> NOT 16:08:49.262716 CDP-D: catchipcfg:getdhcpinfo IP:10014aa domain:xxx.xxx.xx chngVal:1
> NOT 16:08:49.307331 CDP-D: catchipcfg:getdhcpinfo IP:10014aa domain:xxx.xxx.xx chngVal:1
> NOT 16:08:49.322263 tftpClient: request server 0 --->
> ERR 16:08:49.324461 RTSOLD: opvvlan:4095->4095 advvlan:4096->4096
> ERR 16:08:49.327917 RTSOLD: LINK -> LINK
> ERR 16:08:49.328677 RTSOLD:address mode changed..
> NOT 16:08:49.345190 tftpClient: request server 1 --->
> ERR 16:08:49.355400 RTSOLD: opvvlan:4095->4095 advvlan:4096->4096
> ERR 16:08:49.361458 RTSOLD: LINK -> LINK
> NOT 16:08:49.365233 tftpClient: request server 0 --->
> NOT 16:08:49.372982 ESP: server 0 =
> NOT 16:08:49.382033 tftpClient: request server 1 --->
> NOT 16:08:49.384385 ESP: server 1 =
> NOT 16:08:49.395732 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> ::
> NOT 16:08:49.396802 ESP: server 2 = ::
> NOT 16:08:49.417733 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> ::
> NOT 16:08:49.420555 ESP: server 3 = ::
> NOT 16:08:49.423144 ESP: send ADMIN, logging = 1, shell = 0, ipconfig = 1
> NOT 16:08:49.443032 tftpClient: request server6 0 ---> ::
> NOT 16:08:49.449721 tftpClient: request server6 1 ---> ::
> NOT 16:08:49.465934 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - ConfigManager PropertyChanged: device.settings.network.ipstacksstate
> NOT 16:08:49.467530 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? - ConfigManager IP_STACKS_STATE changed
> NOT 16:08:49.469131 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? -   IPv4 state=DHCP BOUND
> NOT 16:08:49.470741 JVM: Startup Module Loader|cip.cfg.ConfigManager:? -   IPv6 state=STACK TURNED OFF
> WRN 16:08:49.478478 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL
> WRN 16:08:49.483464 SECD: WARN:getCTLInfo: ** phone has no CTL
> NOT 16:08:49.493588 tftpClient: request server 0 --->
> Cordiali saluti
> Mauro Celli (work in progress...)
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