[cisco-voip] redirect Voicemail to CUE from external SIP number

Jay Stants jaystants at rogers.com
Thu Jul 21 08:41:45 EDT 2011

I've managed to get VM working internally on test phones but when i dial in from 
my DID, call gets redirected to a specific phone (which is the behaviour i want) 
but after timeout duration call is not transfered to voicemail, instead just 
rings busy . Can someone point out anything i may be missing (translation or 
dial-peer or possibly something else)

Help is much appreciated

Config Details
snet-wan2#sh run
Building configuration...

Current configuration : 6793 bytes
! Last configuration change at 08:17:38 EST Thu Jul 21 2011 by netmgmt
! NVRAM config last updated at 08:17:38 EST Thu Jul 21 2011 by netmgmt
version 15.1

voice translation-rule 1
 rule 1 /^9/ //
voice translation-rule 3
 rule 1 /4.../ /5856786019/
voice translation-profile voip.ms
 translate calling 3
 translate called 1
dial-peer voice 1 voip
 description **SIP Trunk to newyork.voip.ms**
 translation-profile outgoing voip.ms
 destination-pattern 9[2-9].[2-9].......
 session protocol sipv2
 session target dns:newyork.voip.ms
 dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
 codec g711ulaw
 no vad
dial-peer voice 2 voip
 description **Incoming SIP Trunk - Voip.ms**
 translation-profile incoming voip.ms
 session protocol sipv2
 session target ipv4:
 incoming called-number 5856786019
 dtmf-relay sip-notify
 codec g711ulaw
 no vad
dial-peer voice 20 pots
 destination-pattern 5.T
 no sip-register
dial-peer voice 3 voip
 description ** Voicemail **
 destination-pattern 4000
 session protocol sipv2
 session target ipv4:
 dtmf-relay sip-notify
 codec g711ulaw
 no vad
 credentials username {removed} password 7 {removed} realm newyork.voip.ms
 authentication username {removed} password 7 {removed}
 no remote-party-id
 retry invite 2
 retry register 10
 timers connect 100
 mwi-server ipv4: expires 3600 port 5060 transport tcp unsolicited
 registrar dns:newyork.voip.ms expires 180
 sip-server dns:newyork.voip.ms
 authentication credential {username password}
 max-ephones 15
 max-dn 15
 ip source-address port 2000
 system message Cisco CME 8.1
 url services
 url authentication
 cnf-file location flash:
 cnf-file perphone
 time-zone 12
 dialplan-pattern 1 5856786019 extension-length 4
 voicemail 4000
 max-conferences 8 gain -6
 transfer-system full-consult
 secondary-dialtone 9
 create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00
ephone-dn-template  1
 call-forward busy 4000
 call-forward noan 4000 timeout 18
ephone-dn  1  dual-line
 number 4005 secondary 5856786019 no-reg
 label 4005
 name Jay Stants
 ephone-dn-template 1
ephone-dn  13
ephone-dn  14
 number 8000..........
 mwi on
ephone-dn  15
 number 8001..........
 mwi off
ephone  1
 device-security-mode none
 mac-address 001E.7AC5.896A
 username "user" password {removed}
 type 7961GE
 button  1:1

Jay Stants
jaystants at rogers.com
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