[cisco-voip] last number dialed from an analog fxs phone

Max Pierson nmaxpierson at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 12:44:55 EDT 2011


I now see there's `sho call history voice` which may show what you're
looking for, however, mine gets overwritten to quickly to actually to grab
or see the call I am trying to troubleshoot/trace.


On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Max Pierson <nmaxpierson at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> CDR's maybe??
> If you're wanting to simply see what digits are dialed and/or collected by
> the gateway (as in a call isn't completing due to some technical reason), as
> Wes stated, this will depend on what signaling protocol you're using.
> However, if applicable, you may want to offload those logs and debugs to
> syslog to parse them more easily instead of using buffer memory on a gateway
> with a lot of activity.
> You could write some EEM applet foo for this if you're not keeping CDR's,
> but that's another ballgame.
> AFAIK (and someone please correct me if i'm mistaken), there is no command
> to show call history on a port after it goes back on-hook. I believe you
> will have to look at accounting logs/CDRs for anything after the fact.
> --
> m
> On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 3:39 AM, netty <cv.nether at netput.co.uk> wrote:
>> I still can't find where these details would be - is anyone able to
>> confirm that you *can't* find out the last dialed numbers from the router
>> itself?
>> Cheers
>> Jeff
>> On 6 Jun 2011, at 15:40, netty wrote:
>>  I am trying to check the last number an fxs connected device called.
>>> Using show voice call we can see some details on the ports, but if is quite
>>> limited:
>>> router#sh voice call 0/0/2
>>> 0/0/2 -          -  -                     vpm level 1 state =
>>> vpm level 0 state = S_UP
>>> calling number 303, calling name ANPhones, calling time 06/05 14:32
>>> router#sh voice call 0/1/1
>>> 0/1/1 -          -  -                     vpm level 1 state =
>>> vpm level 0 state = S_UP
>>> calling number 01232987654, calling name , calling time 06/04 18:51
>>> So I can see the last time the fxs device made a call, but not the called
>>> number,
>>> And I can see when the fxo port last received a call and from where, but
>>> not when it last made a call or where.
>>> Anyone know if this can be shown?
>>> The 'sh call history voice' gets overwritten with voip calls quickly, I
>>> was too late for that...
>>> The show dialpeers for ext 303 or the dial-peer number would hit both
>>> give the output below, would have been helpful if they were populated :/
>>> voice class called-number:
>>>          inbound = `', outbound = `'
>>> It seems sensible to be able to get a last called number out, either from
>>> details on the fxs port or on the fxo port but that doesn't mean it can be
>>> done...
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