[cisco-voip] Unity 8.5.1

Cristina Petre cristina_petre80 at yahoo.de
Mon Oct 29 11:19:57 EDT 2012

Hi all, 

If i want to use call handlers in unity how is the connection between cucm and unity?
The goal should be to dial a number from external to reach the cucm after that the unity to get a welcome message and after that to go back to cucm to a pilot point. 

I've created a directory number with voice mail pilot and voice mail profile, on unity I've created a system call handler with a transfer rule back to cucm and recorded a greeting. It's works but the problem is after I dial the number I get an "sorry.. Is not available" message after that phones in hunt lists ringing. I just want to hear my message nothing else.

What's wrong on my configuration? Many thanks in advance. 

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