[cisco-voip] Consolidate two separate UCCX cluster and migrate to 9.x
Abhiram Kramadhati (akramadh)
akramadh at cisco.com
Thu Dec 18 21:20:54 EST 2014
The support for concurrent use of CAD and Finesse for UCCX is expected to be announced in January (in all likelihood). Our internal testing has completed, but we are waiting to tie up a few loose ends.
Abhiram Kramadhati
CCIE Voice # 40065
Contact Center TAC
Cisco Systems
From: Matthew Loraditch <MLoraditch at heliontechnologies.com<mailto:MLoraditch at heliontechnologies.com>>
Date: Friday, 19 December 2014 7:22 am
To: Kevin Przybylowski <kevinp at advancedtsg.com<mailto:kevinp at advancedtsg.com>>, "cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>" <cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Consolidate two separate UCCX cluster and migrate to 9.x
Wait and see, probably after the holidays
Matthew G. Loraditch - CCNP-V, CCNA-R&S, CCDA
Network Engineer
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From: cisco-voip [cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net>] on behalf of Kevin Przybylowski [kevinp at advancedtsg.com<mailto:kevinp at advancedtsg.com>]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 8:24 PM
To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Consolidate two separate UCCX cluster and migrate to 9.x
Yep, I don’t see anything that supports the concurrent use of them in 10.6 either.
From: Charles Goldsmith [mailto:wokka at justfamily.org]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 8:17 PM
To: Kevin Przybylowski
Cc: NateCCIE; Mike; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Consolidate two separate UCCX cluster and migrate to 9.x
From the 10.6 docs: Unified CCX does not support concurrent use of Cisco Finesse Desktop and Cisco Agent or Supervisor Desktop
Thought it was too good to be true, it would be handy for migrating customers over to Finesse
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Kevin Przybylowski <kevinp at advancedtsg.com<mailto:kevinp at advancedtsg.com>> wrote:
That’s great, will help get people off CAD and into Finesse if you can easily show them in their own environment.
You’d think they would put this in the release notes as it’s a pretty big deal in the CCX world.
From: NateCCIE [mailto:nateccie at gmail.com<mailto:nateccie at gmail.com>]
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 8:14 PM
To: Charles Goldsmith
Cc: Kevin Przybylowski; Mike; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Consolidate two separate UCCX cluster and migrate to 9.x
10.6 is the first last and only version that allows both to be run on the same server.
Sent from my iPhone
+1 801 718 2308<tel:%2B1%20801%20718%202308>
On Dec 18, 2014, at 6:05 PM, Charles Goldsmith <wokka at justfamily.org<mailto:wokka at justfamily.org>> wrote:
Kevin, not supported to run them both at the same time, unless 10.6 has indeed changed that, I haven't perused the docs yet.
On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Kevin Przybylowski <kevinp at advancedtsg.com<mailto:kevinp at advancedtsg.com>> wrote:
Do you mean the last version? They’ve been together the last few revisions.
From: cisco-voip [mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net>] On Behalf Of Mike
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2014 6:22 PM
To: Josh Warcop
Cc: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Consolidate two separate UCCX cluster and migrate to 9.x
UCCX 10.6 supports CAD and Finesse as ️Co-resident and rumor has it that is the only version that will support this configuration so plan accordingly.
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 18, 2014, at 3:17 PM, Josh Warcop <josh at warcop.com<mailto:josh at warcop.com>> wrote:
First - your target version should be the 10.6 release which is Communications Manager 10.5.2 and CCX 10.6.1.
You merging of UCCX should also include going to Finesse and dropping CAD.
If you have a non-overlapping dial plan the merging is simple. However if you have to do a lot of dial plan work it can be a good challenge.
In this case I would support the decision to build fresh and merge into one new cluster. This will allow you to build new dial plans, new UCCX integration, and move site by site or by application.
Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Ashwani R<mailto:ashwani at ranpise.com>
Sent: 12/18/2014 8:39 AM
To: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: [cisco-voip] Consolidate two separate UCCX cluster and migrate to 9.x
I have a customer who has two separate UCCX HA cluster with their respective CUCM cluster (merging two companies). They would like to merge both CUCM and UCCX cluster to one cluster and upgrade them to 9.x. They are running CUCM version and UCCX cluster running 7.0(2) Build254. What is the best way to do this? Can they keep both historical data from UCCX and move them to 9.x ? I know this is not possible but just want to see if anyone has done it before. We have already built new 9.x CUCM and UCCX cluster with new set of IP addresses with blank configurations. Any help will be appreciated.
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