[cisco-voip] 8800 Series firmware upgrade 12.0(1) text color
JASON.BURWELL at foundersfcu.com
Thu Dec 14 10:47:05 EST 2017
Yes, dark wallpapers bring out plain white text for us. It’s been like this since upgrading off of I think FW11.5x or whatever version created an entire white block for each label which pretty much killed the wallpapers. We are using wallpaper that is mostly solid but a watermark of the company logo does appear under the text and it looks fine. None of our wallpapers use gradients though. Maybe that’s the issue, it having a problem interpreting and deciding what color text to use? This is on 8851 and 8865.
From: Bill Talley [mailto:btalley at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 10:22 AM
To: JASON BURWELL <JASON.BURWELL at foundersfcu.com>
Cc: Haas, Neal <nhaas at co.fresno.ca.us>; NateCCIE <nateccie at gmail.com>; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] 8800 Series firmware upgrade 12.0(1) text color
So your dark backgrounds on 12.0.1SR1 have white text? Are they solid backgrounds or gradients? We had white text over the same background on firmware but after upgrading to 12.0.1SR1 the text changed to gray. Downgrading to reverted text to white. Using solely 8845s and CCM 11.5.1.SU3 on our end.
Sent from a mobile device with very tiny touchscreen input keys. Please excude my typtos.
On Dec 14, 2017, at 9:06 AM, JASON BURWELL <JASON.BURWELL at foundersfcu.com<mailto:JASON.BURWELL at foundersfcu.com>> wrote:
Not sure, I saw your picture and I have not had that issue anywhere on the 12x train. We have light and dark wallpapers. The Text for Speed Dials/Features changes automatically between Black and White color text depending on the wallpaper chosen so the text always clear and visible. I do recall an issue with text being seen back in 11.5 or 11.7 somewhere. I’ve been through a lot of ES releases prior to 12 so hard to remember.
From: Bill Talley [mailto:btalley at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 9:07 AM
To: JASON BURWELL <JASON.BURWELL at foundersfcu.com<mailto:JASON.BURWELL at foundersfcu.com>>
Cc: Haas, Neal <nhaas at co.fresno.ca.us<mailto:nhaas at co.fresno.ca.us>>; NateCCIE <nateccie at gmail.com<mailto:nateccie at gmail.com>>; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] 8800 Series firmware upgrade 12.0(1) text color
Issue with display text still exists on SR1. That’s what we were using.
Sent from a mobile device with very tiny touchscreen input keys. Please excude my typtos.
On Dec 14, 2017, at 7:24 AM, JASON BURWELL <JASON.BURWELL at foundersfcu.com<mailto:JASON.BURWELL at foundersfcu.com>> wrote:
I recommend loading the latest available firmware for the 8800 phones. Right now 12-0-1SR1-1 is available. In some cases I have had to request the latest ES form TAC. The 11.7x firmware has been some of the buggiest phone firmware I have seen for Cisco phones in the last 15 years. 12x seems to be much better than 11.7 but I am still getting issues with phones freezing up occasionally and other weird problems. Waiting to see if 12-0-1SR1-1 finally completely resolves those problems.
From: cisco-voip [mailto:cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net] On Behalf Of Haas, Neal
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2017 2:01 AM
To: Bill Talley <btalley at gmail.com<mailto:btalley at gmail.com>>; NateCCIE <nateccie at gmail.com<mailto:nateccie at gmail.com>>
Cc: cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] 8800 Series firmware upgrade 12.0(1) text color
Thats exactly what I am seeing. When you change the background to a lighter coloring, you can read everything. I will need to put my glasses on to see if it is blurry......
Fine quality control again by Cisco. I have already started the complaint train with TAC, tomorrow I will start with the account rep.
From: Bill Talley <btalley at gmail.com<mailto:btalley at gmail.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2017 9:58:01 PM
To: NateCCIE
Cc: Haas, Neal; cisco-voip at puck.nether.net<mailto:cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] 8800 Series firmware upgrade 12.0(1) text color
The firmware didn’t adjust the text color in our case... I blurred out some characters before posting. He barely visible characters say”DID - 316” as well as “Brian” next to the speed dial button.
Sent from a mobile device with very tiny touchscreen input keys. Please excude my typtos.
> On Dec 13, 2017, at 11:17 PM, NateCCIE <nateccie at gmail.com<mailto:nateccie at gmail.com>> wrote:
> The firmware has a feature to detect if the background is dark or light, and then adjust the labels as needed. But it has to be really dark to be dark. For the majority of picture.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Dec 13, 2017, at 7:50 PM, Haas, Neal <nhaas at co.fresno.ca.us<mailto:nhaas at co.fresno.ca.us>> wrote:
>> I wanted to push the new 12.0(1) firmware to our 8851/8861 phones. I did a test and you cannot even see the line text on dark backgrounds, which is 90% of the images . Anyone know how to fix line text color? The only image that really works is the one that looks like someone socked the phone.
>> Neal
>> <winmail.dat>
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