[cisco-voip] Cisco CUCM SSL Certificates Issues Resolved

Anthony Holloway avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 10:47:28 EDT 2017

Thanks for the follow up to this original thread:


Was there a defect ID given to you, or at least an understanding of how it

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 9:08 AM Gary Parker <G.J.Parker at lboro.ac.uk> wrote:

> Afternoon all, I finally got to the bottom of my SSL cert chain woes this
> morning so I thought I’d update you all and close the thread as I received
> so many helpful responses during my debugging. Also, apologies for
> cross-posting!
> Quick recap:
> Following a complicated roll-back and upgrade of our CUCM cluster with
> installation of fresh CA certs, the pub and 4x subs where all presenting a
> lone server cert to SSL connections on port 443 where they should have been
> presenting a minimum of intermediate and server. Jabber and other clients
> connecting to port 443 flagged an invalid certificate as they couldn’t
> create a full chain from server to root without the intermediate. Our
> support provider and TAC initially argued this was expected behaviour and
> suggested I manually, or via group policy, install the intermediate
> certificate on all client machines or else advise users to accept the
> invalid certificate(!). I rejected this assertion along with SSL
> documentation and feedback from these mailing lists showing other sites’
> server infrastructure presenting a full certificate chain.
> Solution:
> The case was eventually escalated to the BU, a DE got root on our CUCM
> nodes and established that the CA certs I’d installed had, for some reason,
> only gone into the trust store on each of the servers and not the key
> store. I thought it was odd that the same thing had happened on all five
> servers but, hey, be thankful for small mercies: at least it failed
> consistently! From a root console the following commands were executed:
> rm -rf /usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.keystore
> openssl pkcs12 -export -name tomcat -in
> /usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.pem -chain -CApath
> /usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/trust-certs -inkey
> /usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/keys/tomcat_priv.pem -out
> /usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.keystore -password
> file:/usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/keys/tomcat.passphrase
> chown certbase:ccmbase
> /usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.keystore
> chmod 755 /usr/local/platform/.security/tomcat/certs/tomcat.keystore
> This basically deletes the existing tomcat keystore, exports the contents
> of the truststore to a new keystore, and sets the correct permissions on
> it. The tomcat service was restarted and running
> openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <server>:443
> …showed all three certificates in the presented chain. This had to be
> carried out on each of the five servers but our Jabber and RTMT clients are
> now connecting without issue.
> Thanks again for everyone’s assistance on this one, particularly in
> carrying out testing on your infrastructure and reporting your findings.
> ---
> /-Gary Parker----------------------------------f--\
> |     Unified Communications Service Manager      |
> n      Loughborough University, IT Services       |
> |     tel:+441509635635 <+44%201509%20635635> sip:gary at lboro.ac.uk      o
> |     http://delphium.lboro.ac.uk/pubkey.txt      |
> \r----------------------------------------------d-/
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