[cisco-voip] Voicemail history

Haas, Neal nhaas at co.fresno.ca.us
Thu Sep 7 00:15:54 EDT 2017

1. What does your company want for a retention period for deleted VM. We started at 2 weeks, now I think we are 6 weeks.

2. for regulatory or legal requirements (state or local laws) what are those, we post on an MOU we only keep them for a specific period of time. If we have a request for anything outside of the MOU, we say we dont keep backups for that long.

3. do you use the integration to outlook? VM files will be kept under the outlook retention time also......

4. we have 6,000 VM boxes, our database size is 20 gig total, we set the VM box size to be small.

Neal Haas

From: cisco-voip <cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net> on behalf of Parker Pearson - Donoma <parker at donomasoftware.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 8:13 PM
To: Ben Amick; Cisco VOIP
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Voicemail history

It really depends on whether you have regulatory or legal requirements to retain your voicemails.  Voicemails are an electronic record that can be requested for audits or legal discovery.

I understand the desire to groom out the messages in 21-30 days to keep the database humming along - but it has to be balanced with the possible need for retention & compliance.  A conversation across functions is probably a really good idea to find out what your stakeholders need too.

My understanding is that Unity Connection has a limit for VM storage - I think it's 2 TB. Depending on the size of your organization and how many voicemails your users are averaging in their mailboxes - that limit can get tight.   An easy option to satisfy both IT management & retention compliance is a solution like Message Vault.  Retains records as needed, enables a very short retention length that keeps your UCN database tidy.

Hope that helps.

[Donoma Software Web Page]<http://donomasoftware.com/>

Parker Pearson
Vice President, Marketing & Business Development

Donoma Software
1750 Kraft Dr. Suite 1200 Blacksburg, VA 24060
parker at donomasoftware.com
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From: cisco-voip <cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net> on behalf of Ben Amick <bamick at HumanArc.com>
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 10:18 PM
To: Cisco VOIP <cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: [cisco-voip] Voicemail history

So I was just wanting to reach out and see what everybody thinks is a reasonable unity message aging scheme? What point does it get to a point where you start having storage issues?
Ben Amick
Telecom Support Analyst

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