[cisco-voip] SetRingTone Wideband

Brian Meade bmeade90 at vt.edu
Thu Apr 25 19:11:42 EDT 2019

Thanks Stephen!  I'll see if I can reach out to some Cisco BU folks to push
for full support/maintenance of these features.  Would really love Cisco to
bring back Phone Designer as well.

On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 6:07 PM Stephen Welsh <stephen.welsh at unifiedfx.com>

> Thanks Brian, was going to jump in but hesitated ;)
> Don’t think I’m breaking any NDA’s here as this is just a general
> impression based on dialog on this topic, there is absolutely nothing
> official here and I can’t go into detail unfortunately.
> I get the impression that background support may get dropped or more
> limited in the future. The recent addition of backgrounds to the KEM has
> caused more challenges than benefit in it’s current implementation. This
> would imply that Cisco will have to do something to update/resolve this,
> backtrack, or something new/different.
> Personally I would love Cisco to fully embrace background/ringtones (i.e.
> the SetBackground XML object etc.). We see hundreds of clients that use
> custom backgrounds, it’s a great capability that is mostly an afterthought
> at times.
> I would encourage anyone with customers leveraging the custom backgrounds
> on Cisco phones to provide feedback to Cisco asking for official API
> support for SetBackground/SetRingtone
> One thing I was really pleased about was Cisco fixing the SetBackground
> bug on the latest 88xx firmware, but would be ideal if this was an official
> API.
> Kind Regards
> Stephen Welsh
> Founder & CTO
> UnifiedFX
> Sent from my iPad
> On 25 Apr 2019, at 14:02, Brian Meade <bmeade90 at vt.edu> wrote:
> Yea, was hoping someone from Cisco would jump in to confirm if there's
> something like a SetRingToneWB command or something similar or plans to
> update this API at some point.
> Adding Stephen Welsh as well since he's pretty familiar with these phone
> APIs.
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 4:47 PM Anthony Holloway <
> avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Alright, well, I guess that's the end of the road then, huh?
>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 3:31 PM Brian Meade <bmeade90 at vt.edu> wrote:
>>> Thanks for testing Anthony!  You're seeing the same thing I saw in that
>>> it's only supporting the non-wideband ringtones.
>>> Wideband ringtones don't have any size limitations I've found and also
>>> don't need to be divisible by 240.  I downloaded the wideband ringtones
>>> from CUCM and confirmed their sizes/samples and such to confirm that.
>>> I can make a very long/sizable wideband ringtone, put it in the
>>> RingList-wb.xml file and upload it to TFTP and it works fine.  Seems like
>>> the limitation is just around the SetRingTone command only working with
>>> legacy ringtone parameters.
>>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 3:14 PM Anthony Holloway <
>>> avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I made a little progress.
>>>> *Python*
>>>> >>> import requests
>>>> >>> phone = 'my phone IP here'
>>>> >>> creds = ('my username', 'my password')
>>>> >>> xml = {'XML': '<setRingTone><ringTone>
>>>> https://tftpserver.company.com:6972/NewRingtone.rwb
>>>> </ringTone></setRingTone>'}
>>>> >>> resp = requests.post('http://{}/CGI/Execute'.format(phone),
>>>> auth=creds, data=xml)
>>>> >>> resp
>>>> <Response [200]>
>>>> >>> resp.text
>>>> u'<?xml version="1.0"
>>>> encoding="utf-8"?>\r\n<CiscoIPPhoneResponse>\r\n<ResponseItem URL=""
>>>> Data="Success" Status="0" />\r\n</CiscoIPPhoneResponse>\r\n'
>>>> At first I got:
>>>> >>> resp
>>>> <Response [400]>
>>>> >>> resp.text
>>>> u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r\n<errorResponse>\r\n<type>
>>>> Unsupported Operation</type> \r\n<data> Personalization is disabled</data>
>>>> \r\n</errorResponse>\r\n'
>>>> After I enabled that, I then got:
>>>> >>> resp
>>>> <Response [400]>
>>>> >>> resp.text
>>>> u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r\n<errorResponse>\r\n<type>
>>>> InvalidResource</type> \r\n<data>  Ring Tone Too Large:
>>>> https://tftpserver.company.com:6972/ NewRingtone.rwb  Size is
>>>> 264828</data> \r\n</errorResponse>\r\n'
>>>> Then after I cut the ringtone in half, I got this:
>>>> >>> resp
>>>> <Response [400]>
>>>> >>> resp.text
>>>> u'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r\n<errorResponse>\r\n<type>
>>>> InvalidResource</type> \r\n<data>  Invalid Ring Tone: Number of Ring
>>>> samples in the ring not evenly divisible by 240:
>>>> https://tftpserver.company.com:6972/ NewRingtone.rwb</data>
>>>> \r\n</errorResponse>\r\n'
>>>> So, I used the following as a supplement to the previously linked site,
>>>> so that I could figure out this 240 sample thing:
>>>> https://www.netcraftsmen.com/uc-toolkit-using-audacity-for-cucm-ring-tones/
>>>> My phone (8851 on 12.5(1)SR2) still plays the default Sunrise ringtone,
>>>> and I don't see where the new ringtone comes into play.  Perhaps my
>>>> successes will help you move the needle a little further?
>>>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 12:35 PM Brian Meade <bmeade90 at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>>> I've got it working using the RingList-wb.xml globally, but still
>>>>> can't get it to work via API.  It seems like SetRingTone was just never
>>>>> updated to allow for wideband ringtones.
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 10:37 AM Anthony Holloway <
>>>>> avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Do you have it working now then?
>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 12:42 PM Brian Meade <bmeade90 at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> So I confirmed the sample rate should be 16000 Hz as well.
>>>>>>> Then exported as Raw (headerless) Signed 16-bit PCM
>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 1:25 PM Brian Meade <bmeade90 at vt.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>  SetRingTone is a bit undocumented in any of the API guides similar
>>>>>>>> to setBackground.  They both work but RingTone may not have been updated to
>>>>>>>> support wideband files.
>>>>>>>> I've got the ringtone on CUCM now as well using the file settings
>>>>>>>> in that blog but it's playing too fast.
>>>>>>>> Anyone know if the sample rate needs to be changed from 8000 Hz or
>>>>>>>> any other changes for wideband?
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 1:12 PM Anthony Holloway <
>>>>>>>> avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I've never heard of this before, but a quick google search turns
>>>>>>>>> up the following page with some detailed info.  Have you already seen this
>>>>>>>>> info?
>>>>>>>>> http://usecallmanager.nz/ring-list-xml.html
>>>>>>>>> Interestingly, this information doesn't seem to be present in the
>>>>>>>>> normal Phone API guide.  Is this hidden information, or just documented
>>>>>>>>> elsewhere?
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 11:38 AM Brian Meade <bmeade90 at vt.edu>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Anyone had any luck using the IP Phone Services API to set a
>>>>>>>>>> wideband ringtone? It doesn't seem to like the file size for me even though
>>>>>>>>>> my files are smaller than the default wideband ringtones.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Brian Meade
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