[cisco-voip] 12.5 Upgrade files posted on CCO

Charles Goldsmith w at woka.us
Thu Feb 6 13:29:52 EST 2020

I'm 100% beside you, I've yet to see them look at it, just not something
I'm willing to risk though.

With the way licensing is these days, the restrictions of bootable ISO
downloads is kinda silly.   I see no reason why they restrict it, since if
we really wanted to, we can download the publicly available ISO, add the
bootrom, boot it up, change root login, and do what we want.  Restricting
the bootables only slows down our support for the customer.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 12:26 PM Ryan Huff <ryanhuff at outlook.com> wrote:

> Totally see your point.
> While I guess it may be a possibility, TAC has never, in my experience,
> come close to digging that deep to look for an exit from a support request
> (which is conceivably why they would look that deep since it poses no
> functional risk). In my 20+ years of experience with TAC and Cisco, as long
> as the “thing” is under a support contract, TAC is far more willing to
> assist you than to look for an exit.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 6, 2020, at 12:42, Charles Goldsmith <w at woka.us> wrote:
> Agreed, but I've never done this for a customer, and here is my
> reasoning.  From my understanding, when you install/upgrade, the md5 of the
> iso used is written into the logs or a file on the system.  If TAC were so
> inclined, they could tell if you installed from valid media or not.
> Granted, I've had TAC supplied bootable media fail the media test and not
> match md5, but was cleared in writing to use it.
> I've never had TAC check my files before, but there is always the
> possibility.
> PUT can be a bit delayed (at least it has been for me), but never more
> than about 24 hours.  Seems we get most orders in within 12 - 18 hours.
> On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 11:17 AM Ryan Huff <ryanhuff at outlook.com> wrote:
>> I can handle the bootable issue far faster and more efficiently than the
>> PUT process can, which is one of the reasons why I’ve found PUT to not be
>> super useful to me.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 6, 2020, at 11:33, Pawlowski, Adam <ajp26 at buffalo.edu> wrote:
>> As far as I know, ordering from PUT creates a sales order number that is
>> used for entitlement when migrating your licenses. It also gives you a
>> bootable ISO or should.
>> *From:* cisco-voip <cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net> *On Behalf Of *Nick
>> via cisco-voip
>> *Sent:* Thursday, February 6, 2020 11:20 AM
>> *To:* cisco-voip at puck.nether.net
>> *Subject:* [cisco-voip] 12.5 Upgrade files posted on CCO
>> The upgrade files for CUCM 12.5 both SU1 and SU2 both state the following
>> For upgrades from 12.x only. Upgrades from 11.x or earlier are requested
>> via PUT
>> Is this just incorrect wording as far as i am aware there has never been
>> any different files for upgrades from 11 or 12, I have ordered 12.5.1 SU1
>> from PUT and the upgrade file is identical to the one you can download from
>> CCO supposedly for 12 only?
>> Anyone able to confirm these are the same files?
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