[cisco-voip] Third Party CDR Analysis

Tim Smith tim.smith at enject.com.au
Wed Jun 3 19:36:00 EDT 2020

Disclaimer - I'm a Variphy partner - please don't take this as a sales pitch - just what I know about Variphy since it's mentioned here.

I love it. They have a really big install base.
For me Variphy's winning proposition is that it is modular and it addresses a bunch of needs in one.

My favourites

  *   CDR reporting, dashboards and alerts
  *   Remote phone control (pull up two phones - make them call each other - watch the call stats get graphed in real time
  *   Snapshots - pre and post-change or upgrade comparisons - even just regular daily monitoring - great in large clusters to keep an eye on things (this and audit logs have saved me plenty of time - tracking down mysterious "database issues" - which are really just helpdesk deleting the wrong thing 🙂

Specific to the CDR..
Variphy has Cradle to Grave which can be awesome explaining weird issues, or understanding call flows.

I think they do a good job catering to non engineers too..
We can publish dashboards
We can template reports
We can have shared search sets that can be re-used.. so you can give non tech people access - and also give them the building blocks to put things together - so they don't need to think about numbers etc.

Variphy is a fantastic team to work with. So if you are interested I would reach out and take it for a spin.

If every customer had Variphy then life would be a lot easier as a partner! (and I imagine as a helpdesk, admin, manager too etc)



From: cisco-voip <cisco-voip-bounces at puck.nether.net> on behalf of Anthony Holloway <avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, 4 June 2020 7:37 AM
To: UC Penguin <gentoo at ucpenguin.com>
Cc: cisco-voip voyp list <cisco-voip at puck.nether.net>
Subject: Re: [cisco-voip] Third Party CDR Analysis

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My personal experience is that it gets talked about a lot, but then never purchased.  For mostly cost reasons, but I think it's also the fact that it's one more vendor, one more contract, one more vm, one more management touch point, etc., and is the data you'll get really that useful, to warrant all that?

I personally have really wanted to see someone buy the Variphy suite, as it also does DID management and a few other things.

I know the Donoma people post to this list often, so we might hear from them.  Their website touts "telling a story" about the call, which I think is what most are missing.  They just don't turn data into knowledge.  I'd like to see Donoma pull that off, but again, I just don't see people buying anything.

On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 3:58 PM UC Penguin <gentoo at ucpenguin.com<mailto:gentoo at ucpenguin.com>> wrote:
I’m curious what third party CDR Analysis software is commonly used today and pros/cons of each?

Looking for something friendly for non-Engineers to run reports.

Thanks in advance
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