[cisco-voip] Third Party CDR Analysis

UC Penguin gentoo at ucpenguin.com
Wed Jun 3 18:36:55 EDT 2020

I should also add that this would be used primarily for reporting for individual departments/groups. Ex. How many calls are they getting over the normal volume, etc.  Is this employee making the phone calls they are required for their job responsibilities, etc. Again, technology trying to solve problems that are better managed in other ways :(

I’ve rolled my own CDR logging that loads the records in a database from multiple clusters and automatically purges them after our retention period. This works great for the occasional forensics request and troubleshooting general issues.

However, it doesn’t scale well for random ad hoc reports, schedule reports, etc without some more work.

Today charge back and DID management is done with a different product that has it’s own set of issues. It has some reporting capabilities but they don’t work well and are slow and cumbersome.

Variphy promotes their “cradle to grave reporting” though I’ve not looked at that portion yet. The other reports appear to be customized for almost anything in the CDR data with some stats as well, percent to vm, average duration etc, some what like CUIC without the hassle of CUIC and it’s interface.

I have a feeling this will likely end with us rolling our own reporting tools. As the reports will be demanded, but consensus on everyone’s requirements and the money to solve that will probably be difficult to obtain given the events of this year. Probably not the best use of our time, but better then the never ending requests for reports.

Thank you all for the responses, it’s appreciated.

> On Jun 3, 2020, at 16:38, Anthony Holloway <avholloway+cisco-voip at gmail.com> wrote:
> My personal experience is that it gets talked about a lot, but then never purchased.  For mostly cost reasons, but I think it's also the fact that it's one more vendor, one more contract, one more vm, one more management touch point, etc., and is the data you'll get really that useful, to warrant all that?
> I personally have really wanted to see someone buy the Variphy suite, as it also does DID management and a few other things.
> I know the Donoma people post to this list often, so we might hear from them.  Their website touts "telling a story" about the call, which I think is what most are missing.  They just don't turn data into knowledge.  I'd like to see Donoma pull that off, but again, I just don't see people buying anything. 
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 3:58 PM UC Penguin <gentoo at ucpenguin.com> wrote:
>> I’m curious what third party CDR Analysis software is commonly used today and pros/cons of each?
>> Looking for something friendly for non-Engineers to run reports.
>> Thanks in advance  
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