[cisco-voip] Report or query to find phones with web server enabled?

Lelio Fulgenzi lelio at uoguelph.ca
Fri Apr 2 11:27:32 EDT 2021

Depending on how quick (and repetitively) you need the information, you can likely export all phone details, import into excel and go to the column which contains the xml code and search in there. (Unix tools could help too).

You might need to do a baseline to see what on and off look like.

I did this to find which phones have a Cisco support field filled out.

I’m guessing the information you’re  looking for should be contained within that XML section as well.

Might be an option for you.

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 2, 2021, at 11:12 AM, Nick Barnett <nick at barnett.email> wrote:

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Does anyone have a way to do this? This setting is stored in the device specific settings for the phone, so retrieving the entry in the device table isn't sufficient. There is also the advanceddeviceconfigparams table, but I can't figure out how to interract with it properly.

Usually I start out with something simple like:
select * from device where name='SEPDEADBEEF1234'

and then I can drill down, my next attempt was:
select * from advanceddeviceconfigparams where fkdevice='PKID-OF-MY-PHONE'

which returned nothing

then I went to my lab cluster and did:
select * from advanceddeviceconfigparams

and nothing came back.

I was expecting a list of UUIDs and settings to come back that I would then continue to step through until I got the data I needed. So I guess I don't know how device table interracts with advanceddeviceconfigparams. What am i missing here?

Any help is appreciated.


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