[e-nsp] Critical errors: Connection between MSM-B mother board port X ..

Mike Hughes mike at linx.net
Fri Jul 13 06:49:08 EDT 2007

--On 13 July 2007 11:08 +0200 Andraz Sraka <a at aufbix.org> wrote:

> Is there any good change that I can replace MSM-B with a new one
> on-the-fly, without bringing system down. What's the solution? Must be
> in this case something typed into switch configuration?

Yes. It's buggered. Hot swap of this MSM is supported by the system.

Right now your running on one MSM and that not only means no means of
failover, but 50% reduction in switching capacity.

It's helpful if the new MSM is running the same image as the master MSM in
the system, but as I recall, not vital, but it's a while since I've used
MSM64i hardware.

Mike Hughes     Chief Technical Officer  London Internet Exchange
mike at linx.net   http://www.linx.net/

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