[e-nsp] Extremeware images

Jo Rhett jrhett at svcolo.com
Wed Jun 20 18:32:12 EDT 2007

On Jun 5, 2007, at 4:05 PM, Aaron Wendel wrote:
> The only argument that anyone has ever been able to get me on with  
> regards
> to choosing cisco over extreme is the availability of support and  
> updates.

"Availability of support" in particular competent support is exactly  
why you shouldn't continue bothering with Extreme.  Cisco has a lot  
of incompetent support, but competent support does exist and can be  
found in their organizations.

We have more than a dozen crucial BGP-announcement-affecting bugs  
that Extreme doesn't have the vaguest clue how to solve, including  
the inability to prevent re-announcement of a default route even with  
an explicit filter denying it.  No self-respecting NSP should bother  
with the wallowing shell of a company that Extreme is today.

Jo Rhett
senior geek

Silicon Valley Colocation
Support Phone: 408-400-0550

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