[e-nsp] Super strange issue

Robert Kerr r.kerr at cranfield.ac.uk
Tue Oct 30 06:47:09 EDT 2007

On Mon, 2007-10-29 at 18:16 -0500, Aaron Wendel wrote:

> I've been trying to figure this out for a couple days now.

> I have 2 BD6808's.  Every 30 minutes ping times spike across them to
> 300-400ms for a minute and a half.  During this time the Nettask on the
> outside box jumps to 60-70.  There are no traffic or pps anomalies.

> I know this isn't a lot of info but anyone seen an issue like this before?

Sounds very familiar, what's the size of your FDB like? I don't remember
the exact details, but if it gets full then you'll see spikes like that
whilst it tries to find some old entries to throw out to make room for
new ones.

Don't remember it ever occurring regularly every 30 minutes though. I
guess perhaps there is something else on the network that runs once
every 30 minutes and causes a lot of new FDB entries to be created?

 Robert Kerr

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