[f-nsp] serveriron http on ports other than 80

Clifton Royston cliftonr at lava.net
Thu Dec 5 13:35:52 EST 2002

On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 03:10:37AM -0800, burnside at kattare.com wrote:
> Greetings,
>     I'm running several instances of Apache per server.  Many of them on
> ports above 1024.  (so that normal users can start/stop them.)  Two
> issues I've run into:
>     I've tried configuring TCP health checks on the high ports (10000,
> 10010, etc.) via the TCP/UDP port config and it seems to fail the health
> checks  on the real server every time.  (and thus serves nothing.)  If I
> connect directly to the servers on the high ports I get the pages I expect.
>     The second issue is that I cannot bind from a low point to a high
> point.  I was kind of hoping to be able to bind port 80 on the virtual
> server to port 10000 (or whatever) on the real server.  This is
> necessary because right now I use apache on port 80 to proxy up to port
> 10000 (or whatever) on the individual webservers.  So... if the health
> checks just check port 80, the proxy may be up just fine, but the high
> port server may not be up.  Thus the client may see a "proxy failure"
> page if the port 80 server is alive and the port 10000 server is dead.
  Can you post a snippet of your configuration, e.g. for the virtual
server and some of the real servers?

>     Sorry about all the questions.  I just got this serveriron recently
> and despite reading through most of the docs on the website, there is
> still much I am having trouble figuring out.  ;-)

  Yes, there is a lot of stuff about them that is poorly documented or
confusingly documented.

  I thought for several years that they were unable to have virtual
servers based on real servers which are not physically connected
through the ServerIron (which actually was broken functionality in
early firmware releases.) It wasn't until some people on this list said
they were doing just that that I started experimenting and discovered
how it had to be configured to make it work, using the source-ip
settings.  (The commands were documented, but how you have to use them
in a particular network topology was not.)

  -- Clifton

    Clifton Royston  --  LavaNet Systems Architect --  cliftonr at lava.net
"As for yourself, ... I am well disposed to hope you may hitherto have
escaped many Vices of your Country. But by what I have gathered from
your own Relation, and the Answers I have with much Pain wringed and
extorted from you, I cannot but conclude the Bulk of your Natives to be
the most pernicious Race of little odious Vermin that Nature ever
suffered to crawl upon the Surface of the Earth."  
  - Jonathan Swift, _Gulliver's Travels_

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