[f-nsp] Of route-map and community matches

Tuc tuc at ttsg.com
Tue May 31 17:50:59 EDT 2005


	Having a problem, not sure why...

ip community-list wcg-customers seq 5 permit 7911:777 

	They claim it should be all the customer routes.

	On my connection to them, I have a route-map in of 

	That list looks like :

route-map  bgp-from-as7911-primary permit  10 
 match community  wcg-customers
 set metric 100
 set local-preference 110 
 set community  35954:1000 35954:1002 additive 
route-map  bgp-from-as7911-primary permit  30 
 set metric 100
 set local-preference 110 
 set community  no-export

	I then have a connection to my same AS on another router, with :

 neighbor AA.BBB.CCC.250 remote-as 35954
 neighbor AA.BBB.CCC.250 next-hop-self
 neighbor AA.BBB.CCC.250 default-originate 
 neighbor AA.BBB.CCC.250 ebgp-multihop 2
 neighbor AA.BBB.CCC.250 send-community
 neighbor AA.BBB.CCC.250 update-source loopback 1

	But it seems to be sending everything there....

  Neighbor Address  AS#   State   Time     Rt:Accepted Filtered Sent   ToSend
  AA.BBB.CCC.250    35954 ESTAB  10d 1h52m    2175     0        160197 1     
  XX.YYY.ZZ.50      7911  ESTAB  21h 4m55s    160188   0        4      0

	How do I :

	a) Confirm what this is telling that EVERY route is marked as
	b) Fix this so it isn't sending everything, only items not marked
as a WCG customer.

		Thanks, Tuc

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