[f-nsp] ServerIron - Logging Source IP at Server Level

Adam Waite awaite at pandora.com
Fri Aug 10 14:36:32 EDT 2007

There's 3 ways to do this:

1. Turn off Source NAT in the config (this requires the real servers to 
have routeable ip addresses)
2. Use DSR mode instead of full proxy mode
3. Turn on client-ip header insertion on the LB and run a plugin on the 
webserver to extract the header and use it in the logs. The syntax for 
this is "port http request-insert client-ip" in the virtual server config.

Adam Waite
Sr Network Engineer
Pandora Media

christian wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am looking for a way to configure my LB so that in my web server 
> logs, I can see the actual client IP's hitting my site and not the 
> Load Balancer's IP
> Can anyone tell me what I would do to configure this and if it is 
> possible?
> Im new to foundry, and have been a an F5 guy, so my apologies if this 
> is something easy
> Thanks!
> Christian
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