[f-nsp] MLX-XMR compatibility

Niels Bakker niels=foundry-nsp at bakker.net
Tue Jun 21 11:41:40 EDT 2011

* rens at autempspourmoi.be (Rens) [Tue 21 Jun 2011, 11:31 CEST]:
>Small question regarding the modules interchangeability between MLX-XMR?
>Can a NI-MLX-1Gx20-SFP 20-port 1GbE-100FX Module be used in a XMR?
>Can a NI-XMR-1Gx20-SFP 20-port 1GbE/100FX Module be used in a MLX?


(The blades physically fit and are identical except for more DRAM and 
CAM in the XMR versions.  No comment on firmware hacks from me, but 
it's really not a supported configuration, or one you want to run on, 
as you probably need the extra CAM in your XMR and you'll run into 
Issues if one linecard runs out of storage space for routes.)

This will be slightly different for MLXe.  Talk to your account manager.

	-- Niels.


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