[f-nsp] Port-region on MLX and CER/CES

Niels Bakker niels=foundry-nsp at bakker.net
Mon Aug 20 14:08:55 EDT 2012

* greg at dotkom.ch (Greg) [Mon 20 Aug 2012, 19:27 CEST]:
>I am trying to figure out the hardware port-regions on both Brocade 
>MLX4 and Brocade NetIron CER/CES. The purpose is to set multiple 
>Q-in-Q point-to-point Layer-2 connectivity toward different 
>locations, but also use BGP capabilities.
>On NI-MLX-1Gx20-SFP will tag-type affect all ports from 1 to 24? 
>On CER2024F and CES2024F, will the tag-type also affect all these 
>ports? I have not checked if its tag-type statement or another one.

"The Brocade device supports per port tag-type configuration." from 
the CES/CER/MLX/XMR/MLXe 5.2.0b configuration guide.  I know this 
holds true for 4x10G and 8x10G modules in MLX.

The only limitation that I see at a quick glance on the manual is when 
doing Provider (Backbone) Bridging you cannot specify different 
tag-types for BVLAN, CVLAN & SVLAN on MLX while you can on CER

	-- Niels.


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