[f-nsp] BGP sflow and IPv6

Clement Cavadore clement at cavadore.net
Mon Mar 10 06:29:47 EDT 2014


I am using a few CER-RT-ADVPREM (x4) on various releases from 5.5 to
5.6. I have quite a simple sflow config: 2 collectors, global sample
rate 512, and sflow forwarding on all my interfaces.

I am collecting sflow data on a remote server, running as-stats:

AS-Stats creates rrd&graphs for each origin-as which the networks has
traffic with. One for IPv4, and one for IPv6. You can see the result
here: http://noc.hivane.net/asstats.png

The problem I see, is that regarding IPv6, I do not have complete
informations: For example, I know that on my example, AS12322 has IPv6
traffic with us (I generate some by myself), but sflows does not see it.
Even if I force the traffic towards AS12322 (with a specific bgp
route-map config), in order to make it transit through an interface
which sees some traffic otherwises, it is never graphed.

-> This is not a "specific" issue on a release: On the same CER, there
are some ASN which are seen, some are never seen.

-> Same problem on version 5.5x or 5.6x

-> I have compared the interface-level config, in order to see if
there's some specific config keys which makes IPv6 sflow work or not:
Nothing relevant there, some configs works on CER A ant not on CER B,
and vice-versa.

Has anyone got working BGP IPv6 stats with Sflow ? Or am I missing
something ?

PS: Is anyone doing "per-peering-AS" sflow stats, instead of
"per-origin-AS" ? 

Clément Cavadore

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