
Stewart Lyon w6cux at JUNO.COM
Mon Dec 29 15:01:47 EST 1997

Hi Gang:
I have a question regarding 6146s (that subject again?). I recently
ordered a couple of 6146Bs as spares.  Instead of 6146B, I received
6146Ws (G.E.).  Are these equivalent or are they the same as plain
6146s??  Will they work OK in my SB101 and HX1681??  I don't plan to
install to install them unless or until the current tubes need
replacement -- which may be never.  But I would not like to have spares
around that are really not spares.  I have the option of returning them
and getting what I ordered but should I bother??

Thanks in advance . ... 73,
Stu Lyon, W6CUX
Winnetka, CA
-ARRL Life Member

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