Hello all!

Sun Mar 23 13:38:47 EST 1997

        My first foray into Heath started back in 1951 with the construction
of a V-6 VTVM.
I think, I must have owned nearly every piece of test equipment Heath kitted
the "late" oscilloscopes.  I have built just about everything they had in
Ham gear
until the "Green boxes" came out.  That included the AT-1, DX20,35,40 and 100.
Not to mention some 15-20 odd "Lunchboxes" for 6 meters.  I remember the
last Lunchbox I built, was done in 4 hours using just the pictorial diagrams
(I had built so many of them!)  That helped populate the 6 meter band and
got me better money than my paper route!  (At $10 a pop it was good money then!)
        I still have many pieces of Heath gear (test and Ham gear).  All of
it is still operating and servicable.  I do wish they were still in
business.  It was great recreation putting one of their kits together!
E. V. Sandy Blaize, W5TVW
"Boat Anchors collected, restored, repaired, traded and used!"
417 Ridgewood Drive,
Metairie, LA., 70001
ebjr at worldnet.att.net
**Looking for:  860 tubes, WL-460 tubes, RK-18,20,28 tubes**
**Butternut HF2V antenna, G-R test gear.....................***

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